But mostly all good :)
Wow! What an incredible holiday! Seriously, I cannot believe all that has happened. Still digesting the past months. I am finally back home in my little mountain town in Northern Thailand. Ah it's so nice to be home. However, barely made it. My plane was delayed in Bangkok due to thunder storms, however it cleared up and we were cleared for take off!
UGH. Thailand! Why oh why?! Please consult a meteorologist before allowing a flight to take off in a thunderstorm...So most of the ride was smooth sailing. I rarely get scared flying so I was content reading my book on the flight - I had slept way too much and couldn't sleep anymore (never thought I would ever say that). So it's bright and sunny and white clouds galore...until I'm assuming we enter Chiang Rai District...Then the clouds turn dark and I could see lightning striking down not too far from the plane. Needless to say, I panicked a bit. I was kind of daydreaming a bit and in my own thoughts, well if you ever want to BE PRESENT nothing like flying through a thunderstorm to erase all thought and focus on surviving. I cried and told my mom and dad and my brother that I loved them. Then a lightning bolt came down right by the wing. Why did I choose a window seat?! Then all the lights went off and it was dark...then the plane started to drop. I hate that feeling on rollercoasters let alone on a plane and god knows what altitude we were at! Well after what seems like a year we finally level out. Hit a ton of turbulence and thank goodness for seatbelts because I would have hit the ceiling. Finally level again and we were close to the ground and finally we land. Also the worst landing of my life. I bet the pilot just wanted to get the F&*# (pardon my French) on the ground. Well we hit the ground so fast my head hits the seat in front of me and everyone at this point is holding onto their seats and just praying to a higher power that we made it. Once the lights went on to tell us we can leave we all just ran off the plane. I basically kissed the ground (not really because that's gross, but you get the picture) and frantically run to grab my bag and just am so thankful to be home. Got a taxi to my town and forgot what street my school was on! The taxi driver laughed at this and muttered some Thai that I couldn't understand (however I can't understand any Thai so...)
Then the rain started to come down and huge lightning bolts were lighting up the sky only to be followed by billowing thunder...ah Northern Thailand...I love you and your beauty, but let me get home safe please!
Finally pulled up to my place and ahhhh couldn't be happier because I saw that Emily was home and I jumped out of the car and couldn't open the gate because I was so excited and then Jeffrey was there too and I couldn't get the gate open fast enough. Finally I remembered how to open that stupid gate and pushed it open and didn't even drop my bags, I just crashed into them and started crying. I am the biggest sap in the world. They asked what was wrong and I could only muster "Ah I am so happy to be home and to see you guys" and they took my bags from me and gave me the biggest hug and Emily let me cry in her arms. You know you just need a good cry...and we all know I cry at almost anything, let alone this entire journey just caught up to me and I needed a good cry. Once I was able to calm down, I poured out everything to them. Bless them. I am so blessed to have them in my life. I have been toying with the idea of moving to Vietnam, but once I was with them I knew I have my family here and the thought of leaving them is too much for me to handle. They have helped me so much with my transition to life in Thailand, helping me with school and becoming a better teacher. I owe everything to them (and Wynnie too! She was just in CR and wasn't there to witness my blubbering self).
So why was I crying so much? So many reasons, mainly happy ones. I cry when I'm sad, excited, happy, in love, heartbroken, scared, homesick. the works. So my friends know not to take it personally when the waterworks appear, it's just part of my charm...I hope...
Everything just came rushing back to me. My last night in Mae Chan was spent dancing with my friends, literally danced the night away. Got home around 5am and my taxi pickup was at 6am so spent about 45 minutes frantically packing (why do I wait till the last minute to pack? the thrill? oye who knows) and of course checking Facebook, I have my priorities straight. Walking to the circle to get my taxi and get a call saying they're in CR and I'm about to cry because I thought I would miss my flight and it was just translated wrong and he was in the town and he found me and made my flight on time...again, somehow the universe is still on my side.
Arrived in Krabi and spent the night there - originally booked two nights, but wanted to get straight to the beach so I hopped on a ferry and headed to Koh Lanta where I relaxed and soaked up the sun for a full week. It was everything I needed and more. I met amazing people and nothing like skinny dipping with bio-luminescent plankton to make the nights exciting! Rented motorbikes with Ellie (amazing woman from London, she's on her own journey and been traveling on her own and is now in OZ where I might be next year!) and we explored the island on our own self guided tour and stumbled upon the weirdest resort, but with the most beautiful pool. Cost of entry? Cost of a beverage - so we got some water (I know this may come as a shock, but I really didn't drink on the island, this was a week for relaxation for me, not shenanigans) and laid poolside for the afternoon before heading home to catch the sunset. I also treated myself to an all day snorkel tour and LOVED it. Here are some pics from the day: (fun fact: it's easier to just click on a photo and then browse them that way)

Needless to say, it was a perfect day. We had lunch on a beautiful island and then we headed back to Koh Lanta. I fell asleep on the way back, but so did my friends Ellie and B (full name is Baukje, but I am not that best at Dutch despite well, anyways) but yeah, the guys made fun of us for our nap, but who was well rested once we got home?! Joke's on them. Well so the island was everything and much more, as I already said. I spent my days laying on the beach, drinking mango smoothies at least once a day. Lots of fruit consumption and only a few beers. I even ran on the beach a few times at sunset and did some yoga. Fun fact, any kind of yoga is hot yoga in Thailand :) I also met this awesome girl Hannah also from London and had a great time with her - she is also headed to OZ so maybe will meet up again. I love this world. Full of such amazing people. Caught beautiful sunsets and just had a perfect week with everyone.

So after my beautiful and much needed relaxation week on Koh Lanta. Filled with skinny dipping with bio-luminescent plankton -seriously, do it, so fun. Star gazing with handsome company, long walks on the beach with friends, endless fruit consumption, and overall my appreciation for my life and for myself to be restored. The end of the school year was a bit hard for me and most of my friends were leaving and I was a bit down.
Now full to capacity with abundance of happiness and joy, I headed to Bangkok to meet the girls for our last weekend together before they scattered across the world. I was ready to see them and once I saw Kate, the weekend of shenanigans and my liver began. I will do my best to keep this kosher (sorry mom and family friends), but come on, it was Bangkok with 6 girls...debauchery was bound to happen.
Tattoos were had (not me though, just my friends and their genius decisions while drinking), beer and buckets consumed, poolside every day, Sky bar at LeBua (Hangover hotel) happened and all my photos were like Marilyn to keep my dress from exposing myself, and so many laughs. My friend described it the best - the biggest LOLiday of her life. And yes, LOLiday is a word - my generation invented it #realtalk
Not many photos from the weekend and already posted the ones of the girls so no need to post again. After 4 nights in Bangkok, I boarded my flight at 5am after staying out with Kate all night (why I feel the need to pull all-nighters when I need to catch a flight, I just don't know). Okay so got my flight to Chiang Mai and checked into my hostel and was poolside by 10am. Took a nice nap and was ready for some R&R time before meeting my friends in a couple days. Ended up meeting a group of friends from London and had so much fun with them. I was their tourguide later that night. We just hung out in the pool most of the day and then had some beers, played some drinking games, and then went out on the town. Oh Chiang Mai...love and hate you at the same time. haha. So we pile into a tuk tuk and head off to Thapae Gate. There I end up meeting a guy from California! Also a teacher, but he's in Bangkok. He's never been to Chiang Mai so invited him along with the group and we headed off. I think a German was also with us, but he didn't say much so that's all I need to say about him. The group was Ross, Becca, Liz, and George. What a great group, they got me all excited to meet up with my friends from California. Anyhow, we do some karaoke and then head to Zoe's (oye) and then we all make it back and spend the whole day in bed. Sorry mom. I shower and feel like a new woman and check out and go to the resort where I'm going to meet Sierra, her fiance Travis, and her friend Marin from Chico. I am again poolside and just relaxing and wait for them to arrive.
So now begins my adventure with traveling with Sierra, Travis, and Marin. Ups and downs and hanger happens, but overall I think we all had a great time. And will elaborate more on the highlights rather than the mishaps.
So I meet them and so excited to see them and squeal in the lobby because that's how I roll and I tell them about the stupid shenanigans that happened in Bangkok and was ready for some mellow nights. They were exhausted coming from the islands so we agreed a mellow day of the pool was perfect for our agenda. That's where we all really got to know each other and "like totally like talk like this because like we are like totally from like california and that's how like everybody talks" and "hashtag: realtalk" once we are quiet we realize we are the only ones talking at this huge pool. Story of our lives. It was really fun, but we found that we would slip into talking like it to the point that we didn't know if we were actually kidding or not. #awkward
Ok so after we can't laugh anymore and our skin can't handle the sun, we decide it's time for a shower and then to walk to the market to do some shopping and eat some food because well hello it's Thailand and the food is the best. After Marin has the worst Pad Thai of her life...hehe. We made up for it the next night to be fair. So shopping and fruit happens and we get some food and are in bed by 9PM. Perfect night.
So we wake up early because they're going to go see the elephants and I needed to head to immigration to deal with visa paperwork YAY FUN TIMES. Actually it was quite painless and then I treated myself to a movie after - Insurgent. AMAZEBALLS. Every now and then it's nice to pretend you're not in Thailand, but it's hot and I welcomed the AC. Went back to the resort, ran on the treadmill for 45 minutes and got so many weird looks. can't blame them - it was outside and so freakin' hot. Okay so I shower and blast the AC and curl up in bed and take a nap. They come in and then shower and we head off to find this place that Travis said his friends recommended. AND FOR GOOD REASON. After a bit of confusion on directions and bad sign language, we find the place and it was so worth the trek. Amazing food. We order a bunch of entrees and once they arrived the girls just dove in. Travis, what a gentleman, waited for us to load our plates before he got the leftovers. not a word was spoken for at least 10 minutes. The food was amazing, one of the best I've ever had. I'm pretty sure we would lick the plates if we weren't being scared of being judged. And well in Thailand, you're always being judged. Oh the land of smiles...anyways.
They opt for a massage and I wander to find some green tea to perk up, was in a drowsy state due to trying to figure out my budget for the next month or so and in a food coma, so it was quite a struggle. After they finish we decide to head to Zoe's for a drink and buckets happened. Truth buckets as we liked to call them. Anyways, it call came out. The whole I'm poor and have a Thai salary and for them not to be offended if I stay in a hostel when they want a hotel, the whole shabang. Perfect, we all were on the same page and by the second bucket I'm pretty sure we promised our first borns to each other. It was quite a hilarious night - ended with me trying to buy all the chicken skewers at Tacos Bell. Poor guy, I bet he's used to me by now. We had originally planned for an early morning walk to explore some temples, but was instead spent sleeping until our check out at 12pm.
We catch our bus to Chiang Rai and I tell them the cafe I usually like to eat with with my friends and go on the search to find slowboat tickets to Laos. Success! We book them and then taxi to our hotel and just enjoy some relaxation. We had a 6am wakeup so no drinking that night. Thank goodness. We head back to the night bazaar for some shopping and then massages happen and back to the hotel for bed. 5am comes around and we pack and our hotel packed us lunch! So cute - I love Thailand. We get in a minivan and head to the Thailand/Laos border. Somewhat painless and we were in Laos!
Now the slowboat was less than desirable for us...Granted it was burning season and thus couldn't see much of the beautiful countryside Laos is known for. The skies were covered in smoke and ash was falling from the sky and burn piles could be seen on every side of the boat. It felt like we were boating through hell, but hey - mai pen rai. So we have some beers and just suck it up. Make some friends and take some naps (which Travis got the most beautiful picture of me napping - haha) and we arrive at the border town and UGH WHAT AN EXPERIENCE. Marin and I had rat poop in our room and pretty sure maybe someone had died in there. The shower was a joke and well, yeah. We instantly went on the prowl for some food and found this amazing Indian restaurant - we wanted to stay the night there if it weren't for their SAW-like bathroom. Sierra and I decided we could wait till we got back to our rooms to use the bathroom. lesser of two evils, but still an evil. So we stuff ourselves and book flights from Vientiene to Siem Reap and figure out the rest of our schedule. We decided on two nights in Luang Prabang, two nights in Vang Vieng, one night in Vientiene, and two nights in Siem Reap before heading to Sihanoukville and then onto Koh Rong for the rest of their trip. Marin was flying out of Siem Reap and wanted to do Angkor Wat before she left so that's why we flew to Siem Reap. Okay getting ahead of myself...
Long story short, our first night in Laos was terrible - we were happy to board our boat to get to Luang Prabang. After (shocking) bad communication, we had to take a taxi from the pier to the town, but oh well. We made it. AH I loved this town. Very French and adorable. We book a trek to do some hiking and see
Kuang Si waterfalls. What a beautiful trek. Oh, but first we explore the town a bit and check into Matata (hotel with ac) and I take a 2 hour nap. We then head to this delicious restaurant across the river and that's where they discovered their first BBQ. Where you get to cook your own food and make your own soup. And we ordered 8 daiquiris because it was happy hour and we are efficient. Ok so after that Marin and I discover Utopia (the bar, not the state of mind) and we have a drink and see some of the people on the boat. We chat for a bit, but decide it's late and head to bed. Plus we had an all day trek ahead of us and wanted some sleep!
So we wake up and have such a great time hiking and being in nature again. Sierra finally had some time to catch up on everything. I have never seen my friend so happy! I am so happy she found her soulmate, Travis is everything and more I pictured my friend with. They complement each other and he's also just a big goofball. Which is awesome because Sierra and her friends (myself included) are huge goobers and no one has time for anyone serious. Marin is Sierra's friend from work and what an incredible woman she is. It takes courage to just book a flight to SE Asia and have no idea what to expect, especially with all the crap that happened with the slowboat, Marin had a great time and was really fun to travel with. It's really hard to adjust to SE Asia and I found myself at times getting annoyed with my friends because they would get irritated, but remembered I have been out here for a long time and am used to Thai time. So I just take deep breaths and let it slide off my shoulders. Okay so here are the photos from the trek:

We swam in the freezing water and had to fight off the fish from trying to clean our toes. It was such a beautiful place. The water was unreal. Could have spent the day there just reading my book and jumping off rocks. So after the trek we head home and shower and meet for dinner. Marin and I head to Utopia again and just had a really good chat. She is a really sweet girl and can tell instantly why Sierra is friends with her. After our drinks we decide to head home and get some sleep. Headed to Vang Vieng the next day...
Now this is where the trip gets a bit rocky. I will backtrack a bit just to explain a bit of my state of mind. I had a little romance back in October with - we'll just call him Holland for this blog entry. We met in Chiang Mai and had the most amazing time in Pai together (see earlier blog entry for that if you want). Well, me being stupid I kept in contact with him and went through quite a roller coaster with him (travelers are the end of me). Anyways, he asked me to go to the Philippines with him in February and I had school so couldn't go. I told him about my travel plans and mentioned Bali with my friends for Bethel's birthday and he said he would be in Indonesia in April too so to send him the dates and we would meet up. So I booked all my flights for my trip and treated myself to 10 days in Bali with time with Holland. Well after about a week of him being in the Philippines he messages me and tells me he met a girl and blah blah blah, I just blocked him and haven't talked to him since. Now fast forward to April and Vang Vieng. I decided to be stupid and look at a photo (I can't believe I'm confessing this on my blog, sorry mom - I am pathetic) and see that he was now with her. Nor surprising and in hindsight (and now) I am happy for him that he found happiness with her. He has been through hell and back (divorce, affairs, etc, the works). But I found out he was with her while in Vang Vieng on the first day. With that being said...
My friends could sense my mood had shifted - as in I wasn't saying anything and then told them what happened and they understood. However they thought alcohol would be a good solution. And if you know my past and old habits, alcohol is not the answer for me for anything. Anyways, we drink and party it up and results in a terrible night. I won't write the details, but I caused a rift with my friend. The next morning was a feeble attempt at damage control, but we had tubing to do so we made the best of it and made new friends. Now tubing is pretty fun, but only needs to be done once maybe twice. Travis wins for best outfit. You pay for a big inner-tube and they taxi you to the top of the river and you get greeted by shots of alcohol and you just party at this bar - playing drinking games and what not. That's where I met Mary! Mary from Santa Cruz. Ah what fun was it to meet someone from home, love that place. So we instantly hit it up and we become partners in crime. We eventually leave that bar and tube down the river. as in 10 meters and to the next bar. We play some volleyball and it starts to rain, but we continue to dance in the rain. I mean, why not? So this cat and mouse game of tubing continues until around 6pm where we taxi back so we can get our deposit back. We change and think it's time to keep going strong. We grab some food and then Sierra and Marin opt for pedicures and Travis and I chill at the bar. Then we walk back to the hotel together for some sleep.
We wake and wait for our van to take us to Vientiene. As we are waiting, we look at the photos that Travis has on his GoPro. HILARIOUS. Can't wait for the videos. So we head to Vientiene and Travis is taking photos of Lao children and naming the photos "boy on bicycle" and "man with cow" - quite hilarious. Okay so we arrive in Vientiene and check into our hotel. Nice view of the city, not too bad. I tell them about the river so we head there for dinner. On the prowl for some BBQ, but hanger gets the best of us and we settle for a restaurant and somehow I was able to order in Thai and they understood me. Ah it's so bad, one day I will get this whole Thai language down. Until then, they get to deal with my charades and bad Thai. So we head back to the hotel after dinner and go to sleep - we have an early flight to Siem Reap with a long layover in Pakse...
We wake up before the sun is up and head to the airport. Land in Pakse and go on the prowl for this massage place. AND IT WAS SO WORTH IT! The best massage I have ever had in my entire life. And I am a sucker for them. I never wanted it to end. Afterwards we head back to the airport and board our plane to Siem Reap. And now finally I get to write about CAMBODIA!
Siem Reap...what a fun city! I loved this city and wish I had more time there. Will definitely go back. So we arrive and I am already in love with Cambodia, the scenery is beautiful and I can't wait to explore. Once we get through immigration we taxi to our hotel. And we had the best taxi driver ever! We ended up hiring him the next day to take us to Angkor Wat and explore all day. We explore Pub Street and eat some delicious food on a rooftop and just take in the city. So we go to bed and have an early night b/c we wanted to catch Angkor Wat at sunrise. So another early morning - so many early mornings...
So here are some photos, I posted lots on another entry so no need to post them again. This entry is long enough!

So after all days of templing, we go back to the hotel and Sierra takes a nap. Marin, Travis, and I opt for the pool - ah so refreshing. Rooftop pool - not too shabby! We agree a nap is in order and to meet up for happy hour. We decide to go out for dinner as it's our last night together and we order some drinks. I have a couple beers and then we go to another place where I order another drink. No one seemed to have any energy to go out, so I went with them towards the hotel and then decided that I was gonna go out since it was my last night in town. Sierra seemed a bit concerned, but I assured her I would be okay. So they go back to the hotel and I had back to Pub Street. That's where I discover Angkor What?! haha. Silly name of a bar. Anyhow, since I don't know anyone and I'm awkward I just sit by myself at the bar and order a beer. That's where I met Kat! And some guys from Holland. Seriously, it's a curse or something I swear. Anyways, she's from London and lives in Malaysia and we had a really fun time together. Just danced and looked out for each other. We both left at the same time and made it to our hotels safe and sound.

So the next morning Marin leaves and I decide to sleep in and meet the gang by the pool later that day. Was able to do some blogging (see recent blog) and update people a little bit aka that I'm still alive and well. So I head up to the pool and take a nap and then Sierra and Travis arrive. Sierra and I opt for a swim and that's well, a wakeup call happens. I hate when I worry my friends, it's not fair to them. I wrote a lot in my journal and just sugarcoating things in this blog, but know that I am aware of my drinking habits and well, I'm just going to leave it at that. I'll write an entry on that whole issue in itself, this entry is more about my adventures...
Okay so we go to dinner and then I hop on a hotel bus to head to Sihanoukville - they decided to fly and since I spent a lot of money already, an overnight bus saved me the cost of a hostel and got me to my destination. I managed to find a mexican place and it was an authentic burrito! I almost wanted to cry when I tasted it. I have issues. I'm from California, it happens. So we part ways and I am officially a backpacker again. What a weird feeling! So there's a mixup on beds and so I end up having to sleep next to this very nice Chinese guy. Thankfully I have a superpower that allows me to sleep anywhere so I slept the entire way to the beach. Once arrived I got a taxi to my hostel and waited for my friends to arrive. I explored a little bit and treated myself to pizza (carbs are the end of me and responsible for my 2kg weight gain on this trip, not the booze I tell you). So I meet up with them for dinner for more carbs and we decide to meet in a couple days on Koh Rong. I booked a speedboat for noon the next day and they were gonna head to another island for a couple days then head to mine. So we part ways and I head back to my hostel. I get sucked into a movie, but decide in the end that I am gonna go out and have a drink and explore the town a bit. Now Cambodia isn't the safest, so I made sure I was in well lit places and with people. I wandered into Monkey Republic and met two girls from Sweden and they invite me to the beach bars with them so I shrugged and tagged along and headed to the beach. We have some drinks and a sit at the bar and listen to the loud crazy music. I start to look around and see if there's anyone I would want to talk to or dance with. Oh the life of a backpacker. Well, spotted! I see a tall cute guy, but then he disappears. I go stand by the fan because it's really hot and he comes to the fan to cool off and conversation begins and dancing happens.
And this is where my adventure really takes off...
I head to Koh Rong the next morning on the speedboat and spent 5 days on the beach with friends. Days consisted of napping, swimming, hiking, fruit consumption, water galore, more swimming, rinse and repeat. Met amazing friends and kept in touch with them after we parted ways.
The next day I was leaving for Phnom Penh to fly to Bali. Sierra and Travis and I never met up again because of boat complications and then they just wanted to get to Vietnam. They have been traveling for a long time and I don't blame them for being exhausted. I'll see them at Jenna's wedding though so will get to have a reunion then :)
Koh Rong
Speedboat to Koh Rong
But first, lemme take a selfie
view from skybar
Unamused with my paparazzi self
Ah success! We made it!
creeper shot
bar on beach
lazy day
I think Imke is laughing
Selfie time
I think he's peeing in the water
water selfie
pee shot?
last morning
view from our hostel
last breakfast on the island
and we're off!
before I got ice coffee spilled on me
I caught my ferry back to Sihanoukville, managed to get ice coffee spilled on me, my hostel booked the wrong bus so waited for another one, and was finally on my way to Phnom Penh. At a random bus stop I see someone I think I recognize. When he walks closer I realize it's Tim! Tim is my friend I met Valentine's day weekend, he came to my school to meet my kids and I was his tour guide in Chiang Rai. Really nice guy, we clicked instantly. However, haven't talked to him in ages and last I heard he was in Vietnam - so you can imagine my shock when I saw him in Cambodia! "Tim!" "Cailin?!" and we hug. What a weird day. I meet his friends and hear about his adventures in Vietnam. Him and his friends bought motorbikes and cruised through Vietnam for a month and was heading to Otres beach before going to Koh Rong. I told them I was headed north and then off to Bali and then his bus was leaving so we hugged and they left. SMALL WORLD. I just smile and shake my head and get back on my bus and arrive in Phnom Penh around dinner time. I check into my hostel and wait for the girls from Holland to arrive (Laura and Imke - amazing and wonderful girls. We spent a lot of time in Koh Rong together and instantly got along). They were the ones that told me about the hostel and they decided to stay a night before going to Vietnam so I was happy to see some familiar faces. So they arrive and we get dinner and we just gush about everything. Total girl talk, much needed. These girls are awesome, so happy to have met them. They're gonna be in Chiang Mai in May so I'm hoping to meet up with them again. So many laughs with them. I tell them about running into Tim and the whole dutch fever thing and they just find it hilarious. They told me that I must come visit them in Holland. Without a doubt, once I do book my ticket to Holland, I will post a status on FB and I'm sure everyone I have met in Thailand will just die. It's pretty funny. Okay so I use the computer to upload some photos and book tours for the next day. I decide on S-21 and The Killing Fields and skip out of the palace and temples. I'm templed out from Thailand. I meet up with the girls for a drink on the roof and by drink I mean water for me. I didn't drink that much over the week and just didn't feel like drinking. Getting drunk didn't appeal to me at all and just wanted some time to write in my journal. So I head to bed around 11 (grandma status) but then get persuaded to go out with some people in my room (from Holland) and so I put on a dress and a little makeup and we head out. Found a rooftop bar which was cool, but so tired of reggae music so we left and went to Pontoons - they were charging a cover charge and the guy that was with us was pretty drunk and I was over it. So at around 2am we head home and I finally get some well deserved sleep. I end up doing the tour with these two girls from Norway and what an experience that day was...
Killing Fields is really hard to stomach, I had to sit down and regain myself because of the horrors that went on there. And especially because it's so recent - it was a well kept secret and just a terrible and awful era that Cambodia went through. Here are some of the photos that I took while doing the walking/audio tour...

I didn't take any photos while at
S-21, it was too sad and they also didn't allow photos. What gave me goosebumps about S-21 was that it was a government school and it looked like the school I teach in in Thailand. The
Khmer Rouge turned this school into a torture center and held prisoners here before shipping them to The Killing Fields where they were guaranteed no life. It was true hell these people went through. The Khmer Rouge eliminated 1/4 of their population in a span of a couple years. Truly just awful. I cried with the girl I did the tour with. She said she remembers her dad talking about it, how no one knew what was going on because everyone was focusing on America's war with Vietnam.
Well once that emotional day came to an end, I decided to book my taxi for the next day and go over my finances. This is where it gets a bit sad. After five hours of going over everything, I realized I wasn't going to have enough money to really enjoy Bali. Thankfully my best friend is visiting me in October and she said she wants to do Bali then so I can spend a couple weeks there then. Tim had mentioned he was going to Otres and my friends Andrea and Alex (both from California) raved about it and well it was on the beach. I book a bus ticket. I messaged Tim and he told me where they were staying so by the afternoon I was Otres bound. Oh traveling, what a crazy experience. Again, I have journaled on all of this, have over 100 pages of this part of my trip and still debating on what parts I want to type up so just stay tuned for stories galore haha.
So I don't have many photos from Otres, but know this was the best week I have had in quite a long time. I met this amazing girl Amy who is from Reno and ahhhhh we had so much fun. Forgot my old sayings and she had me back to my California self in no time haha. So the first night I get there I meet some friends and then head over to Tim's to hang out with him and his friends. They're a really fun group and had a couple drinks and then decided bedtime was in order. My hostel had puppies and they told me if I'm ever lonely to just pick one up and cuddle so when I got home I cuddled with one and watched some tv before trailing off to sweet. Ah puppies, so adorable. I'll have one at some point, once I settle down...if that ever happens...
So the next day I head to Otres 1 (I was in Otres 2) and hang out with Tim and his friends for the day. That's when I met Amy and we instantly clicked. She's so sweet. She's been traveling for awhile and was staying in Otres for 10 days before heading to Koh Rong Samleon to volunteer on a beach hostel in exchange for room and board and free food. Not a bad deal!.First thing Amy asks me is what's my boy situation haha. So probably like an hour later after we gush about everything and everyone, we finish our drinks and then head over to hang out with Tim and friends. Pretty silly night and we'll just leave it as that. Amy and I head back to our hostels and agree to meet for breakfast in the morning. I had randomly picked up a book that caught my eye in the hostel. The Alchemist. Now if you haven't read this beautiful book, please drop everything that you're doing and read it. It's a short read, but oh so beautiful. The messages and purpose and everything inside. I was hanging on every sentence. Wish I knew Portuguese so I could read it in its' original scripture rather than a translation. I was mesmerized and got lost in it. I tend to get lost in a lot of things. Anyways. I wake up early (when the sun is up I'm up) and get ready and wait for Amy and read my book. We head to beach and get some smoothies and begin our sunbathing. Not that I need anymore sun, but mai pen rai. Plus more beach time and less moving works for me. I'm more of a hermit traveler, I like to be in one spot for awhile. We had a lot of fun, so much laughter, and then Amy's friend Michelle shows up and introduced SKIP BO into our lives and well, we just all really had a good time together and hung out all the time. We were all attached at the hip and it was a fantastic week for me. Here are some photos of the week:

not a bad view for writing in my journal...
the gang
my girls <3
my sweet
not the most flattering, but I still like it
Awww we love each other
Typical facial expression on both parties
I've been in SE Asia too long...
journal time!
Again, that smile...
lazy day of reading on the beach
sunset time!
selfie time
never gets old
no idea who that guy is
phew - better shot
same photo?
sign at our hostel - and I completely agree, very safe, minus the bees!
the rooms!
no we didn't stay in the tower
so high up there!
our comped room due to the beehive
social area
Entrance <3
Otres was amazing for me, I wouldn't change it for the world. I spent my days with good friends, and the beach. Swimming daily and often more than once in a day, being barefoot was my favorite part. I didn't wear shoes for a full week, what a feeling. Especially when it's scorching hot and you have to run from shade to shade to keep your toes from burning. Oh beach life...Well I read my book and just fell into the present. And what a fall it was and continues to be. If I do decide to post some of my journal entries, you can read the detailed version of my week in Otres. I went to sleep with a smile on my face and woke with a new smile. Grateful for the life I have been given and how blessed I am. I have to pinch myself to see if I would wake up from this magical dream. I was floating on cloud nine and for so many reasons. As each day passed, my heart was filled with more and more feelings, seeming as though it would burst if I were to keep it inside anymore. However, I am much better at expressing my feelings on paper, not in person. Only my journal knew my secret, I hadn't even said it out loud to myself, if I don't actually say it then it doesn't mean anything, right? I booked a ferry to Koh Rong Samleon (a beautiful island) and planned to be there a couple days and my friend Amy was there so was happy to know I would see a familiar face before leaving Otres.
So I get to the pier and get on my ferry and head to Koh Rong Samelon.
I decide to get off at a random part of the island instead of the main beach. I find a hostel and put my stuff down and go for a swim. The staff is really nice and the guy is from Manchester. He had a bunch of his friends visiting so it was just me and like 10 beautiful guys from Manchester. NOT COMPLAINING. haha. Definitely a perk of the island life, most people are just beautiful and really chill. I got along with them and end up meeting a teacher from Vietnam and that's where the idea sparks that I might want to move there after my contract is done in Thailand. Pay is better and just seems like it would be fun to live there. I mean, why not? So anyways we stay up drinking for a bit and then I head to bed because I want to catch the sunrise in the morning. Well there was a crazy thunder storm and felt like I might die, but secretly loved the feeling of being in a storm. I have issues. So I wake up in time for the sunrise and then opt to go back to sleep after. up for a second time and get some breakfast and then go explore the beach. First I find out how to get a ferry to the main part of the island and then go off on my own. Ah, to have the whole beach to myself. It was perfect and serene. Also, no one got to witness my tears. Took some photos of this part of the island before I headed to the main beach to try and see if I can meet up with Amy. The captions on these photos are quotes from my book. Ah what a book...Enjoy:

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
“It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.”
“One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.”
“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”
“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
“So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.”
“The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.”
“The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.”
“Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.”
“Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second's encounter with God and with eternity.”
“Don't give in to your fears. If you do, you won't be able to talk to your heart.”
“This is what we call love. When you are loved, you can do anything in creation. When you are loved, there's no need at all to understand what's happening, because everything happens within you.”
"People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.”
“Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time.”
“I don’t live in either my past or my future. I’m interested only in the present. If you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a happy man. Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is the moment we’re living now.”
“When each day is the same as the next, it’s because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day that the sun rises.”
“Why do we have to listen to our hearts?" the boy asked.
"Because, wherever your heart is, that is where you will find your treasure.”
“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.”
“You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it's better to listen to what it has to say.”

“It was the pure Language of the World. It required no explanation, just as the universe needs none as it travels through endless time. What the boy felt at that moment was that he was in the presence of the only woman in his life, and that, with no need for words, she recognized the same thing. He was more certain of it than of anything in the world. He had been told by his parents and grandparents that he must fall in love and really know a person before becoming committed. But maybe people who felt that way had never learned the universal language. Because, when you know that language, it's easy to understand that someone in the world awaits you, whether it's in the middle of the desert or in some great city. And when two such people encounter each other, and their eyes meet, the past and the future become unimportant. There is only that moment, and the incredible certainty that everything under the sun has been written by one hand only. It is the hand that evokes love, and creates a twin soul for every person in the world. Without such love, one's dreams would have no meaning.”

“Don't think about what you've left behind" The alchemist said to the boy as they began to ride across the sands of the desert. "If what one finds is made of pure matter, it will never spoil. And one can always come back. If what you had found was only a moment of light, like the explosion of a star, you would find nothing on your return.”
“To realize one's destiny is a person's only obligation.”
So after I sunbathe a bit I head back to the hostel and wait for the ferry to pick me up to head to the main beach. I say good-bye to my friends and they wish me well on my adventure and I head off with my backpack. So crazy that most of my life can fit into a backpack - granted most of my clothes are dresses...So I board the boat and this guy helps me get a hostel, everyone is so nice. Why can't people be like this back home! *HINT HINT CALIFORNIA* Okay so I enjoy the beautiful views and then we arrive on the gorgeous bay. Again, not a bad way to nurse a heartache than to be in tropical paradise. After being denied by so many places, I finally found a place to stay with a beautiful view of the ocean and I setup my bag and then go off in search for the trek to Sunset beach to see Amy. Bingo! Found the path! Now to trek through the jungle by myself...of course snakes are on my mind, but I tell myself that I'm stronger than that haha. Literally was talking to myself. I was so scared of running into snakes that I cried. I seriously have issues. So anyways, I stumble across some people on the path and I pray they didn't hear me talking to myself. Oh my life...So once I make it to the other side, completely covered in sweat - typical. I go in search for Amy. Thankfully there's only like two hostels and stumble upon the pier and then see the hostel and yay reunited with Amy! Oh it was so good to see a familiar face. I also brought her The Alchemist because I knew she wanted to read it and know what it's like to be on an island with no wifi and thus books become your best friend. So I meet her boss and the other volunteer and we just chat about everything. She has a boy situation so we brushed up on our love lives and just go into girl mood. Then some more people arrive and they're her friends she met earlier on her travels. We all get along and have a really fun night of laughter and good food and drinks. Watched the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen in my LIFE. Amazeballs. So tried to capture some video and photo of the hostel. Then around 8PM we decide to all head back so they can get some dinner before everything closes. We all hug Amy and head out. Already got lost int he first five minutes, definitely a journey haha. So we all make it back alive somehow and I decide to shower before meeting up with them. A shower works wonders for me. So felt like a new person and walked down the beach to find their bungalow. I already forgot the guy's name, but he had the most adorable crush on the hostess and we all giggled watching him blush around her and how he can't stop talking about her smile. Ah it was adorable. I was surrounded by good people on a gorgeous beach, I have no reason to be sad whatsoever. So I push that thought aside and just chat the night away with them. I part ways with them and head to bed, but not before dipping my toes in the water and gazing up at the stars. I realized, especially after reading my book, that I love star gazing. I did a lot of star gazing in Koh Lanta and just continued to gaze up at them when I can. It's a time I can take for myself and realize how small I am in in this universe, yet how the universe is always there for me, guiding me on my path of my crazy life. Knowing everyone that comes into my life was meant to be there at that specific time and that I must learn from them just as I was meant to be in their life at that time. We are all interconnected and on our own Personal Legend (if you've read The Alchemist, you'll get the reference - if you haven't PLEASE GO READ IT). I wipe a small tear away and smile up at the moon and have a little hop in my step as I get ready for bed and fall into a slumber. Woke up to another rain storm and caught the sunrise. Went back to sleep and then checked out and waited for my ferry back to Sihanoukville. At this point I setup camp at the restaurant on the beach and start to journal and then the tears just start to flow. To get an idea of what kind of state I was in, here is a small part of one entry:
So you can imagine a little bit of my state of mind while journaling. countless pages later I lose track of time and realize I haven't eaten in over twelve hours so I order some food and then realize my ferry is here so I ask for a box and grab my bags and literally run to the ferry. If I saw me, I would be laughing hysterically. Little me with my huge backpack, a small backpack, and a takeaway box frantically trying to run on loose sand and pray that my boat wouldn't leave. So I am the last they let on and relieved I take a seat and doze off. Wake up to take in some of the beautiful ocean views and finally back in Sihanoukville. I go to find what time I will arrive in Bangkok by bus and they tell me 1PM...the next day. Not having that, I look for a computer. I sign onto Facebook and have messages from my friends Hannah and Bethel telling me they're in Phnom Penh and that I should meet them there and then fly to Bangkok with Hannah the next morning. PERFECT. I frantically book an airline ticket (fml) and get on the next bus and was bound for Phnom Penh within 20 minutes. Once on board the bus I make friends with the guy next to me - he's Cambodian and speaks French. Very nice guy. Anyhow, we get to Phnom Penh and I get a taxi to my friends. I warned them of my state aka that I will need tons of hugs and emotional support and they responded with beer and dancing - bless them. I get changed into my favorite blue dress (see pics from Bangkok to see the dress -i love it) and put on makeup, at least tried to remember how. Looked at myself in the mirror and realized that maybe I should brush my hair and realized it had been over a week since I have seen/used a proper mirror. Oh beach life, love it. So I attempt to tackle my mane and appearance and got a motorbike taxi ride to the girls. By a very handsome one, if I might add. I was in la la land with him (I think he was whisking me off to a palace of some sorts and he was going to magically be able to speak English and - well you get the picture, I'm a dreamer what can I say haha) so we end up kind of lost. Great. We are by S-21 so that was comforting...we couldn't find the bar and I had no idea where I was, I clutched my purse and prayed he wasn't out to rob me. Joke would be on him, I had like $7 on me. Well we drive around and voila we find the place! I gasp in joy and thank him over and over and give him the $2 fare and run into the bar in frantic search of my friends. My friends are easy to spot in general so when I couldn't find them, my heart sank a little. I get a beer (priorities straight) and wander upstairs, still no sign of them. I slowly walk back downstairs and standing outside and then I hear Bethel's voice and I squeal with joy and we are hugging in seconds and then Hannah wraps her arms around us and ahhh to be reunited with my loves for one last night of debauchery. I love these girls. Bethel was my roommate and has been part of my struggle since the moment she entered my life. Hannah joined the struggle not too long after and we have been for the most part inseparable. We have issues. #sorrynotsorry Hannah hates it when I go into "California" mode so I instantly switch into valley girl mode and she can't help but laugh. Apparently I am "very Californian" - whatever that means. #rude. Okay, so we get more drinks and we are all talking a million words a minute, catching each other up on our lives. So we spent the night being girls and drinking and just being with each other. Met a guy from California who lives out in Cambodia, he's from SF so yay Giants and Niners! Holla! Okay so we all go back to the hostel to the roof bar and drink and play some pool. Then we get the bright idea to go to Pontoon's (spelling?) with the guys so we grab a taxi and head off to shenanigans. This is ridiculous. Our flight was at 8:30am and our taxi pickup was at 6am. I met up with them at 9PM. Not sure when we went to Pontoon's, but basically Hannah leaves at some point b/c she still needed to pack and Bethel and I decided that we should just dance the night away. And dance we did. Until the wee hours - well actually until darkness disappeared. When they opened the doors for us to leave, it was broad daylight. Oops! SO we taxi to the hostel and I grab my bags and Hannah and I make our taxi somehow. I'd see Bethel in Thailand so didn't need to do a big good-bye or anything. So Hannah and I board our plane and land in Bangkok and I am searching for an ATM to buy my ticket and she has to board her flight so we didn't get to really say good-bye, but the whole night was perfect so we didn't need to say anything really to each other. I will miss her tons and once I get over to Europe I will see her again. Okay so I am almost in hysterics trying to find my ATM because I got sent on a wild goose chase, but eventually found my ATM and was so happy to take out baht! Kip and Riel (Laos and Cambodian currency) is paper gross. Baht is plastic and colorful. It's the little things in life.
So I get a ticket to go to Chiang Mai and board my plane and poolside at the resort by 3pm. Pretty sure I still had sand on my feet from Koh Rong Samleon. What at trip! Still in a bit of culture shock, going to Thailand is like a Western country compared to Cambodia. I spent three beautiful weeks in Cambodia and definitely will be going back at some point, not done with that beautiful country. SO I wait for GVI (my organization) to arrive and decide that maybe a shower would be a good time and then use the computer to upload some photos and update my life basically. Isn't that what Facebook is for? Saw my friend was in Koh Chang andI ask her how long she plans on being there and she says at least a week. So an idea plants in my mind, but don't really act on it for awhile. So I sign off and shower and then pool (I don't make much sense, who showers before the pool? Oh wait, someone who has been out dancing out all night in Cambodia and have been on two flights within six hours - that's who). So I meet Molly (GVI in Laos) and chat with her a bit, we agree our AC is shit, but forget to tell the resort so we just end up suffering. The struggle...So I meet up with Jum for some food and she briefs me on everything. She asks for me to email her the presentation I put together for this weekend. I ask if I can do that the next day since well...she doesn't need to know, but I had no notes or anything. Whoops! time to do some homework! So I end up meeting some of the new GVI teachers and what a flashback it was to be back at the resort and meet the SEETEFL crew. Actually met them at the table that Holland I originally met at. Oh universe, you're a sly one. So the group is a really nice one and we all get along. I tag along with their group to a bar that is just down the street and I wait for Emma to arrive. After buckets were ordered I let out a yelp because Emma shows up and couldn't wait for a hug from her.
Ah to be reunited with a good friend, nothing better than that :) So we catch up and introduce her to the new teachers and they have a million questions for us. We try to answer as many as we can and it's just good to see how excited they are about teaching in Thailand. I do love this country. Well we get some drinks going and then we go to Zoe's and dance. Emma and I were a bit slow the next morning. Thankfully we didn't have to do much except for to go to the pool. It's really a rough life sometimes. So we just have a chill day, not that my skin needs anymore sun, but shhhh. So we meet the group for a beautiful dinner on GVI (thank you!) and eat lots of delicious spicy food (sorry Emma). I opt to go out with some of the group and I meet Simon - the love of my life. He is an awesome guy from the UK and so much fun to be around. After lots of laughter with the group Zoe's happen - again, and then I head home with the girls because I'm exhausted. The next day Emma and I head out for the mall for the AC and run some errands. I end up buying two new dresses because they were gorgeous! I love dresses...Okay so we head back and am poolside again and I am toying with the idea of Koh Chang and officially decide on Saturday that I'm gonna go. So I book my tickets and Ally said I can share a bungalow with her so that saves both of us money. Would stay with my friend the rest of the nights. So I'm on cloud nine, all my friends knew about it in Chiang Mai and was happy for me.I worked pretty hard on the presentation and gave the presentation later that afternoon. I had an essay to write so was just going to do that all night since I wouldn't be by a computer for awhile.
Friends and I go out that night, but Emma and I are so tired we opt for a taxi back home and I type up my essay. So many breaks though, pulled an all-nighter. Couldn't figure out my thoughts, let alone my feelings. So I get a taxi to the airport the next morning and arrive at DMK and can't get on the shuttle to the other airport and now I am walking around the airport in tears because I just can't seem to pull it together anymore and get in line to get a taxi and can't help but watch the time. I only had one hour to get to the other airport so I can catch my flight to Trat. So I finally get to the front of the line and get my taxi and ask how long it will take and he says one hour and I just break down in front of him, poor guy. He was so nice to me. He just drove in silence and then started to speed. Of course the seatbelts don't work (Oh Thailand), but he is going 100km+. Bless him. We make it in 40 minutes and he gives me his card and we laugh and smile and I thank him over and over again - gave him a big tip and almost went to hug him, but then remembered that's not very Thai standard, so I just give him a big smile and walk into the airport. Time to spare, I get checked in and get some cash and wait to board my flight. Arrived, but my bags did not. Gosh this day was ridiculous and lack of sleep was catching up to me! They tell me my bag will be on the next flight and they'll deliver to my hostel. I give them the info and then get on a minivan to go to Koh Chang.
This is where I meet a very nice young woman. Her name is Kannika and I am so happy that I met her. I at first didn't want to talk to her, but she just had this aura about her that she was a good person so I started up a conversation with her. She was training in hospitality at a resort in Koh Chang and we exchange facebook info and begin to talk about everything. She was just coming back from 10 days at home. Talk about the universe to put me into perspective and keep my present. Her mom had breast cancer and so she went home to see her and she passed away the night before. My heart instantly felt for her and I just wanted to give her the biggest hug and cry with her. I can't imagine losing my mother, she's my rock. I looked up into the sky and sent a healthy prayer to my family and friends and thanked the universe for everything I have. And that basically what Belgium did to me was nothing in comparison to the true pain of losing a loved one. After we stop chatting I doze off into a slumber and wake up and we are in Lonely Beach. She helps navigate the driver to my bungalow and we agree to meet up on the island. I hop out and hope to find the bungalow my friend is staying at. First try, no go. Second time - success! I get the key and drop off my stuff and go in search for a swimsuit and some Internet. We connect and they were just going to meet at the bungalow. So they arrive shortly and we head to the beach on motorbikes. So sorry Ally, at least you survived! Was my first time driving one with someone else on it, and after today, I was just all shaken up. So we get to the beach and I'm in the ocean by around 3PM. Ahhh feels so good to be back on the beach. Sucks that all my memories of the beach now consisted of Belgium, but wasn't going to let him spoil my last week of freedom. There I meet Ryan and Mo - friends of Ally. Super nice people and we all got along quite well together.
Well once sunset was over we speed off to get some food and then get ready for the night. I lay down for a bit to rest and to let everything catch up to me. We buy all the ingredients for a very messy bucket and setup camp outside our bungalow and drink and tell embarrassing stories about each other. Total girl chat and it was much welcomed.
After we make our last bucket we saunter off to Ting Tong's - their favorite bar. I had a lot of fun there when we went for New Years so was down for it. We meet up with some guys that are teachers in Bangkok and they're from the UK. It was nice to have some attention from the one from Wales. We danced for awhile and then I opted to go home since I hadn't slept the night before.
I meet my friends for breakfast and then we saunter back to enjoy our last moments of AC together in Mo's bungalow. Then it's time for her to get her minivan to Bangkok and we peel ourselves out of the room and we say our goodbyes in the common area. She is such a doll, so happy to have met her and can't wait to visit Bangkok with her and Ally!
We head to the beach for some much needed R&R and sun time. So Ally and I have a lazy beach day and decide on a quiet night. We get some food and nap and I journal and read my book. Perfect recipe for the day. We are both in bed by 10PM and I drift off into dreamland.
So the rest of my time on the island consisted of beach, naps, writing, reading, relaxation, food consumption, and dancing with Wales. Wanted a last few days of being a traveler before I was headed back home to the land of conservative clothing, being called "Teacher Dao," and rediscovering the real reason for moving to Thailand, to learn about myself while immersing myself in a different culture. Ally and I celebrated a birthday the next night and we napped all day and caught the last sunset on the ocean - last one I'll see for awhile at least. End up reading most of the night and get some sleep before my 6am pickup to Bangkok. Part ways with Ally and fall into a slumber on the minivan. Not hard to do.
I met a couple that teaches in Vietnam no the minivan and picked their brains for hours about it, seriously considering moving there after Thailand! However heard the weather in Hanoi isn't that good so...maybe not. We'll see. No need to make decisions right now, living in the moment. Got a free shuttle transfer to the airport and boarded the plane and couldn't believe everything that had just happened. And that's where I leave this entry. You know about the crazy storm that I endured and now I am back in town with my friends.
Just received a message from Teacher Wynie telling me to come home so with that I will finally end this entry. I am listening to my heart and right now it's telling me to go spend it with my friends and to keep a smile on my face. I am in love with life. I love me.
Oh and here are photos from Koh Chang:
friends make everything better
not a bad view
ally peeing (kidding)
mo is so adorable
Ally and Mo
not a bad view, eh?
life is rough
selfie in paradise
never gets old
love the green
beach time!
silly times
friendship <3
last sunset on the ocean
dinner view
not bad :)
life is beautiful
I'm obsessed with selfies
trying to capture my mane and sunburn
sunset <3
my mane
trying to figure out selfies on a tablet
I love life
my mane!
time for a haircut!